Exciting Benefits

Designed to Fit Your Budget
and Your Life

Know the Details

Search Your Medical Plan Network

Use the network search tool to be sure your doctors and other healthcare professionals, hospitals, and facilities are in your plan’s network to take advantage of greater cost savings.

Plan Modeler

Which Plan Is Best for You?

Take five minutes to use the plan modeler to find the medical plan that best fits your needs and budget.

Wellness Rewards

Wellness Rewards Are Waiting

Complete your choice of healthy activities to earn your 2025 wellness rewards (paid in 2026). You must be enrolled in a Rewards & More medical plan and complete the My Health Check-in by December 31, 2025.

Healthcare Reimagined

Life Essential Kits

Receive up to 


to use for everyday essentials when you enroll in the Hybrid Care Plan or the EPO/HMO Care Plan and meet eligibility requirements.